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Golf Marathon
Frequently Asked Questions 
Q: Why 100 Holes?
A:  We wanted a unique event for our unique school. While most golf outings are only 18 holes, our marathon 100 holes allows for a fun, fast-paced experience for golfers. It’s easy for golfers to raise funds by asking potential donors to sponsor the number of holes they can complete. It also presents an interesting challenge.

Q: How does our team complete 100 holes?

A:  Each player does one round of 19 holes, and drops an extra ball on the par 3's to total 25 holes--100 holes of golf is done in one round!

Q: I am having a really hard time thinking I can raise $1,500, what happens if I can’t?
A: We will work with you to help you raise as much as possible. We ask that each golfer commits to pledging $100 to play in order to cover our costs. We ask that you just simply focus on doing your best to get pledges. Raising $1,500 would cover an average tuition assistance grant for one student.

Q: Is it possible to have one donation cover my fundraising?
A: Yes. However, we want to challenge participants to raise as much as possible and spread the word about Our Lady of Mercy School. Donation checks can be directed sent to the school. Donations can also be made via credit cards online here.

Q: I’m a serious competitor, is the event just for having fun?
A: So you thought this wasn’t a serious event, huh? While the event is designed for everyone to have a great time, we do give out awards for Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Best Fundraiser and much more!