About Us
Frequently Asked Questions

  • What makes HNM different?
    First and foremost Holy Name of Mary is a Catholic school. Our school offers parents a sense of community uncommon in most school communities. The curriculum integrates all aspects of human development: intellectual, social, and spiritual. A theme central to the success of HNM is the emphasis placed on parents as primary educators. They are recognized as partners with the school in the academic, moral, and spiritual development of the students. Parental involvement is outstanding. It is a strength of the school and one reason for its success. The School-wide Learning Expectations are the backbone of what is taught and are a lived reality for the faculty and staff, parents, and students.
  • What are the teachers’ qualifications?
    Invariably, what parents and children share about Holy Name of Mary School is the caring faculty. Highly qualified, they teach by example. They use Jesus, the Master Teacher, as their role model. They are not only dedicated to the school’s philosophy, but live it. HNM faculty are part of the faith community. Children can count on learning with teachers who are committed to the ministry of Catholic education and to helping children realize their value and uniqueness.

    The faculty is professionally qualified and is knowledgeable in their respective teaching subjects. Seven teachers have California credentials, four have masters’ degrees and three are currently enrolled in a master’s degree and/or credential program.
  • Do we teach the state standards?
    Holy Name of Mary School implements a standards-based curriculum, in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The California content standards and the teachings of the Catholic Church determine what teachers should teach and what students should know, understand, and be able to do.
  • What is the discipline policy?
    Discipline is as an aspect of moral guidance and not a form of punishment. The purpose of discipline is to provide a school climate conducive to learning and one that promotes character development.

    Our school has six behavior standards that are expected in all areas of the school. In addition grades Pre-K-Grade 1 use the “Green Light, Yellow Light, Red Light System”; Grades 2-3 use the “Choices Program”; and grades 4-8 have six expectations students must follow.
  • Is the school safe?
    Providing a safe and secure school site has always been a priority at HNM. Strict policies and procedures are outlined in the parent/student handbook/calendar. Earthquake and disaster preparedness drills are conducted regularly. Three days worth of necessary survival supplies are safely stored for all students. All visitors must check-in at the school office and wear a visitor’s badge. Our campus is enclosed with fencing around the school’s perimeter with a camera and an intercom system to prevent strangers from accessing the campus. All volunteers who work with children are required to be fingerprinted as per Archdiocesan requirements.

    Visitors are required to go to the office and sign in and receive a “Visitor” badge. Upon completion of business, visitors must also sign out. This policy is implemented for the safety of the students as well as a convenience if we need to contact parents and guardians in the event of an emergency.

    Our school is equipped with a health room where students can receive first aid treatment. Parents are always notified if a child is injured or ill.

    We have strict drop-off and pick-up procedures with traffic monitors to further ensure the safety of the children. The school is in dialog with the city of San Dimas regarding the installation of speed indicators along San Dimas Canyon Road and Bonita Avenue.
  • Is a school counselor available?
    A school counselor is available to help students with a wide range of personal concerns. Students or parents who wish to discuss student’s academic or personal concerns should make an appointment with the counselor. The counselor is available on a walk-in basis for any student.
  • What are the extra-curricular programs?
    • Student Council
    • B.O.B. (Yearly Battle of the Books)
    • Campus Ministry Club 
    • Garden Club
    • St Vincent de Paul Club  
    • Liturgical Ministries: Eucharistic Ministers, Choir, Altar Servers, Lectors, Hospitality
    • Athletics: Volleyball, flag football, basketball, soccer, cross-country, and track
    • After School opportunities: art, music, sports, drama
    • Academic Decathlon Team
    • California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF)
    • Zaner-Blosser Handwriting Contest
    • L.A. County Fair and L.A. County Science Fair,
    • The Associate of Catholic Student Councils
  • How much is tuition?
    *See tuition schedule.
  • Is there a tuition assistance program available?
    Holy Name of Mary School has allotted $19,000 in the school’s budget for tuition assistance. In addition, parents can apply to the Catholic Education Foundation at the Archdiocese for a tuition award.
  • What is the admissions policy?
    As a Catholic religious-oriented school founded for Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church/Parish, we give preference to members of Holy Name of Mary Parish first and then to members of other Catholic parishes. Once our Catholic applicants have been served, we welcome students of other religions.
  • Are all parents required to volunteer?
    Our school has a Family Hours Program. It is necessary to request help from each school family to provide necessary funds and services to the school. The purpose is to evenly distribute the work load, promote family participation, promote school growth and to create community.

    The number of hours required by each family is 25 from July to June of each new school year. Single parent families are required to complete 12 hours. Families will be charged $20 for each hour not served. One hour of service will be given per family for each general PTG and Booster Club meeting attended.
  • Does HNM offer community support?
    Our school prides itself on its service-oriented attitude. Students participate in various charitable events including: Advent and Lent boxes, the Holy Childhood Association, Jump Rope for Heart, and involvement with our Sister School, Immaculate Conception in Los Angeles.

    Our school has continued to build a wonderful relationship with its Sister School. These activities include writing to pen pals, book drives for their classrooms, financial contributions, and an increased relationship between both Student Councils. This relationship is best exemplified by the annual Adopt-a-Family Program in which the Student Council sells Santa Grams in order to purchase Christmas gifts for a family in need from Immaculate Conception School. Each year the school also arranges for Immaculate Conception to have hearing and vision screening for all their students.

    Students in grades 5-8 are required to serve their community by completing a required number of service hours. The Tijuana Mission Project is collaborative program with Damien High School that brings necessary supplies to those in need.
Contact us
124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road
San Dimas, CA 91773

School Phone: (909) 542-0449
Fax Number: (909) 592-3884
Email: Principal@hnmschool.org
Connect with us:Facebook