The primary goal of the
Learning Support Program (LSP) is to help ensure successful learning of each
student who is in need of additional learning support. Team planning with all the teachers involved
with a student displaying learning concerns is vital to obtaining this goal as
is involving parents in the learning process.
Learning Support Teachers (LST) provide both direct and indirect
learning support.
The LST provides direct
support to students in a number of ways.
Team teaching and close planning and coordination with regular classroom
teachers, teachers of special subjects, and counselors provide a team approach
to the total child’s successful learning.
The LST may offer whole class instruction, whole group instruction,
individual assistance within an inclusive setting, pull out for small group or
individual work, and supervision of trained volunteers who are working with the
LST/Title I students.
The LST provides indirect
student support by providing suggestions to parents and teacher on ways to
accommodate a student’s learning difficulties.
Modifications/accommodations and/or interventions may be provided. Specific suggestions to parents on ways to
structure homework concerns are an ongoing aspect of the role of the LST. A LST may facilitate a contractual agreement
with a student to provide motivation and reinforcement. Indirect services to a student might also
involve coordinating medication information.
The LST is also available to work with professionals in the community
who are working with our students to ensure a team effort in addressing
learning difficulties.
Mrs. Young offers academic supports for students in grades K-8.