St. Matthias Parish and School is committed to providing a quality, comprehensive and properly focused athletic program for all eligible parish and school children. The Diocesan objectives are to unite the youth of our parishes and to bring Christian truths, principles and ideals into their everyday lives. Consistent with these objectives, the athletic program strives to foster the physical and spiritual development of our children and to build character by promoting high standards based on respect and good sportsmanship. Our goal is to teach the fundamental skills of each sport and provide an atmosphere in which each child can excel, learn the benefits of teamwork and cooperation, and have fun! GOALS:
FUNDING: We are a self-funded organization through fees charged for participation in the various fundraisers. We also host diocesan volleyball and basketball games, during which we make money through admission charges and concession sales. ATHLETIC DIRCTOR: Samantha Ware sware@cdeducation.org