St. Pius X Transitional Kindergarten Policy
Age, academic skill mastery, and social and emotional maturity all play a part
in a student’s Kindergarten success. Students who reach the age of five before
the state of Ohio’s cutoff date of September 30, but need more practice to
master preschool skills or foster social and emotional maturity will be
recommended to the Transitional Kindergarten Program. However, if a student has
not successfully completed a structured preschool program, they must do so
before acceptance into Kindergarten. At their young age, some may have limited
experience interacting with peers and teachers, while others may not yet know
how to listen or follow a structured class schedule.
Transitional Kindergarten bridges the path
between Preschool and Kindergarten and gives students the gift of time that
will help students build a strong academic and social emotional foundation for
success in school. Students are allowed to progress through the Transitional
Kindergarten program, at a slower pace, with less pressure, giving them more time
to develop academically and socially. Transitional Kindergarten students
partake in all specials at St. Pius X, including fine arts, foreign language,
technology and physical education.
The St. Pius X Transitional Kindergarten will include a two year Kindergarten
experience. The first year will accommodate the student’s age, maturity level,
academic skill level and specialized needs. The second year will challenge the
student to meet and/or exceed the rigorous demands of the Common Core State
A February screening process and conference will be conducted to assess growth in academic and social skills. At this conference, goals for year two will be determined to ensure your student’s school success.