Forgot Your Password?

1. Log in using your assigned Login Name and    

    Password from the registration email.

2. Read Terms and Conditions and Private Policy and


3. Click on Profile (upper Right corner of web page)
4. Check that your profile is correct.

     Please make sure all your children that attend St.

     Luke School are listed under "associated with."


    If your Profile is not correct, please click on Contact

    on the top center of the web page and email the

    webmaster all corrections.

5.  Click on Change Password (upper right corner of    

     web page)

6.  Place your Assigned Password (from registration

     email) in the Old Password field

7.  Place your desired New Password in the New

     Password field

8.  Verify the New Password by typing the New

     Password in the Re-enter New Password field

9.  Click on Change

**Do NOT share your Login/User Name and Password with your children.   Parents have privileges to different areas of SchoolSpeak that children/students do not.
For example, only parents are given the privilege to “Sign” documents, if your child logs in as the parent, the student will be able to “sign” for you, without you knowing.

*Please take a moment to see the type of information that is available to you and your family. After you are logged in y0ou can find an overview of SchoolSpeak by clicking on the newsflash link entitled "What is SchoolSpeak all about?" Once there you will also find a quick start and detailed parent user guide.

Best Regards,
Angie Smith 

If you remember your Login and email registerd with SchoolSpeak, please fill in the form below. Otherwise contact your SchoolSpeak Administrator. If you don't know your SchoolSpeak Administrator, please check with your school office.